When we get ready to watch a horror
movie, I expect to be horrified. I prefer
to be scared senseless! For me I, have high expectations
of a horror film. I need the suspense, blood,violence and
all. Not necessarily a monster but someone who is comp-
letely fearless and psycho. If one has these qualities for me
in a scaryor horror film then the movie will be great. It
provides me with a feeling,that someone could really do this...
it is possible.... .right? Then you will get theurge to look
over your shoulder when you are alone and that is when
you know you are horrified .
One of the movies that proves that
a monster is not needed is the movie Scream
. The psycho killer first starts off as a nice guy,
who invites the girl to friendly conversation ,then
wants her to play game. Friendly conversations turn
into a small city mass murder. This movie are more
realistic then any monster you could imagine.
A person committing this of crime in the way he did
was very horrifying. In the sense that this could
happen but what are the possibilities that I really can.
Movies that are made in realistic, contemporary setting
are more horrifying, then in a realistic setting with a
disgusting monsters. Everyone knows that monsters
do not exist. Also, knowing that you or someone you
know can come across a person this psychotic.
Typically these scenerios don't happen day ...but its
possible and that is why we are scared. I also
think when we see that someone else is afraid
of another person then that makesus afraid of
people even more, justbecause we know people are
more threatning and dangerousthan a monster that
never exists.In this day and age with all different
technology and much more adults raise theirchild-
ren, differently as well. I dont believe that a monster
can be created to be more scarrier, more threatning
or more decieving as a person. There has been so many
other movies where the psycho killer is friends with
the person he's going to killnext . So in closure humans,
at least psycho ones are scarrier by far.
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