Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Ring- Art Horror, Art Dread or the Fantastic

According to Carroll, I believe that he would consider this movie to be classified under art horror. The reasons for this are that Carroll would say that the monster in this movie does not exist by science, is disgusting and fearsome, and is extremely threatning. For example, when the girl proves she is supernatural by coming through the screen, she is dripping wet, with extremely long hair and ripped off finger nails, that kills Aiden the father. Also Carroll explains horror films with a complex discovery, which this movie has as well. The onset of the movie is when we know from the begining what the monster is, its on the cover of the DVD. Then it has a clear discovery when the reporter and some of the friends of the victims figure out what is killing everyone. The confirmation stage is when the witness or believers try to convince others not to watch the movie. The confrontation is when the reporter trys to solve the issue by going in the well to try to uncover the monsters body. But that wasn't how she saved herself, it was the copying of the tape and then sharing it with others. Also, the girl being the monster, is an example of fusion (contradictary of the living and the dead).

Could Carroll believe by any means of this being of the fantastic? Well, what Carroll gives as a definition of the fantastic, I dont think so. He believes that it is an oscillation between naturalistic and supernatural explanations, horror requires that at some point attempts at ordinary scientific explanations be abandoned in favor of a supernatural explanation. I definitely do not believe that this would be considered a movie of the fantastic uncanny because it is not natural for someone to come back to life and sypher through television sets. I could see why some would consider it of the fantastic marvelous, because it does have supernatural characteristics, but the creature is pretty fearsome.

Schnieder, would say that parts of the movie would be considered art horror by his definition of it. Art horror to him is more concrete and specific, where you are looking at thing they arent ought to be. It is an instant scarred state, no action readiness. For example in the movie it is when the monster pops out of the screen or when the reporter is in the well and is grabbed by the dead monster.

Freeland, would say that this movie would be on the lines with Carroll considered horrific. She would also say that it is jam packed with art dread as well. This movie does leave the viewer with an overwelming vague feeling caused by watching the horror. Even though dread is like horror, it does not have to have that same aspect of disgust. For example when we know that it is the seventh and final day of the victims life, I experienced tremendous art dread, compared to the first day after watching the movie.

Overall, I would say that this a pretty good example of art-horror, dread and possibly even an example of the fantastic marvelous.


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