Saturday, May 26, 2007

28 Weeks Later

Recently, I watched the new movie, "28 Weeks Later." This film would have fit perfect into this course. Especially in Carroll's sense. It had zombies that took over the world. This film was about a disease that had broken out in a country. Once they became infected with this disease they would die and after their death, they would come back to life as a zombie trying to kill the living to make them a zombie. This disease, as I said, killed a whole country, except for two kids and their dad. This all takes place in London. Once the disease is finally quarentined, they start to move people, including the young boy and girl, back into the city. They are only allowed to go to specific parts of the city and are not allowed to cross London Bridge to the other side of the city, because it is believed to be still infected. The two kids don't listen to that and they end up crossing the bridge and go back to their home where the boy finds his mother, somehow still alive after living on the bare minimum in their old house. The army finds the kids over there and also the mother. They bring them back to the place that is disease free and find out that the mother has the disease (she is a carrier) but does not die from it because she is a carrier of the disease. It can only be spread through blood contact or saliva mixing. The kids father ends up kissing her and he gets the disease and the whole epidemic starts all over again. The father turns into a zombie killing people and turning them into zombies and it keeps going on and on. They finally tell the army to kill anyone and everyone, even the people who aren't infected. They do so, but one soldier decides that he isn't going to let innocent people die so he takes them under his wing and protects them because he knew that there was something special about the little boy. The father (infected) bites his son, but nothing happens to him, he doesn't die or become a zombie. This can only mean one thing...the boy is a carrier of the disease so he can't be infected. He is the link to saving the population of the world. The movie ends by showing a bunch of zombies running towards the Eyful Tower in Paris and the movie ends. So, by seeing this, we are led to believe that the disease is taking over the world.

This film would have worked perfect in this class. Everything that we have studied, played a part in this film. There was a complex discovery plot. There was art-horror, there was art-dread, everything! This movie was very art-horrifying. The way that the zombies are portrayed is amazing. They become very violent and bloody, killing and wanting to kill anything in its way. This is a perfect example of what a horror film should be like in Carroll's mind. The reason is because the monster (zombie) is portrayed as disgusting and out to get everyone, and it does. This is also a good example of art-dread. The living people dread every second that they are alive because they are afraid that these things are going to attact them and kill them and they are absolutely dreading that. Overall, this movie, in my opinion, was excellent. I don't think that I would have thought that it was so good, had I not taken this class. I actually watched it and was thinking about how it was art-horrifying and how it was a complex discovery. This film is perfect for this class!!!

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