Thursday, May 10, 2007

Where have all of the screams gone?

Why is it that old films, such as the ones that we have watched this week, don't seem to get us on the edge of our seats? Could it be that we are so used to watching films in color rather than black and white? Could it be that the blood and gore aren't used as much in the older films? The most horror that I experienced this week was most definately not from any of the films that we have watched. I can only remember one film that grabbed my interest, and I wasn't even that interested, it was "I Walked with a Zombie." Only one scene actually woke me up and that was when Betsy and Jessica ran in to the black man while running to the fort and that wasn't even that scary.

I don't mean to come off as everything that we have watched this week was bad, but I am just not used to those kinds of films and to be honest they aren't very horrifying, to me at least. It could be that all of the films that we have watched are labeled as "B" films, but I think that it is due to the fact that everything in each film appeared to be so fake. The older films from the early/mid 1900's may have been frightening to people then, however, I would imagine that most of us would agree that these films aren't very horrifying. I believe that it has something to do with the fact that none of the films we have watched have been in color, so they don't appeal much to our generation. I don't know about the rest of you, but I enjoy some blood and gore, not just a monster chasing people. I guess it is because I have grown so accustomed to the all of the blood and gore and if a "horror" film doesn't have that, then it doesn't interest me. Take, for example, "The Bride of Frankenstein" that we watched. I have heard good things about that film and was expecting to be a little horrified, but to be honest, it was quite boring...more funny than horrifying. But, again, that could be because the effects didn't seem real and it was in black and white. I don't mind watching these older films, but I can't wait to see a good film with some great horror scenes!!

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