Thursday, May 24, 2007

Halloween-Not Just Another Holiday

I would have to agree with those critics who rank Halloween as one of the most horrific movies of all time. After viewing the film, there are several instances throughout the entire movie that are unnerving.

The movie begins in what seems like an ordinary neighborhood, Haddonfield. You see a little boy dressed in a clown suit who for no apparent reason, murders his sister and ends up catatonic. The psychologist working on his case, Dr. Loomis, is well aware that there is something out of the ordinary with this young man...that he is pure evil. He argues that the facility he is being held in is not secure enough, but is told that Michael Meyers, our monster in this case, will stay there. They will soon regret this decision.

We are then introduced to another of our main characters, Laurie, who happens to be Michael's younger sister. She is living in the town of Haddonfield and becomes the object of Michael's attention after he escapes from the sanitarium where he has been for the past 15 years.

As he continues pursuing her, Laurie spots Michael wearing his white mask on several occasions. She is unaware of who he is until he goes on a murderous spree with her being the last target among her friends. She escapes and our monster is again reconnected with Dr. Loomis, who shoots him 6 times. Michael falls over a second story balcony and he is gone for good-or is he?

The movie involves so many aspects of horror. In this film there is the element of sound that is involved. Everybody can tell what movie is playing if they hear the theme music from the movie. You also have this monster in his signature white mask that gives you an eerie feeling. And if all that isn't enough, you are confronted with the run down house that has been boarded up for years since the murder and it looks like such an eyesore in the neighborhood that you can't help but think something not quite right went on there.

I've seen this movie a couple of times and I still have a hard time watching it before I go to bed. If you get the creeps easily, I would recommend you save this movie for a bright and sunny lazy day. Keep the lights on, you'll be glad you did.

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