Friday, May 18, 2007

The Haunting of 1963 and 1999

According to a film review The Haunting of 1963 is considered to be one of the finest "ghost movies" it remains as one the most respected and influential entries in the annals of macabre cinema. In class we discussed this movie to be one of the Fantastic because of the competing outcomes of the supernatural and the natural. If you go off the film review the movie would be considered a horror film because it states it is a ghost movie. Ghosts are spirits that are explained by the supernatural and there is no competing themes in the story because they tell you that it is ghosts doing the haunting. This movie rely on light and shadow instead of blood and gore.
I like the 1999 version of the movie. It is more of a horror film than the 1963 version. This version does an excellent job with creating suspense and it does this through the atomsphere. I prefer watching movies in color than black and white. I get a better feeling the movie if it is done in color. This is one of the differences in the movie the way they create suspense. There are more intense senses in the second one.
The Haunting of 1963 really does not have a complex plot because we left to decide whether if it is a natural or supernatural outcome. In the 1999 version I feel there is a confirmation stage. Even though things are happening in Eleanor head the house begins to fight back and the others ouse guests becomes victims of the house madness. At the end of the movie we learn that the starnge events are happening because of the ghosts. The ghosts are revealed at the end of the movie.
I think the 1999 version is better depiction of a horror film than the original version.

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