I would define The Exorcist movie as a horror film according to Carrols account. A monster appears and it is fearsome, threatening, disgusting and most of all impure. Exorcism does not have many accounts of happening in the world which makes you believe that this could really happen. Some of the effects that happen in the movie do not really occur in real life people with this demonic procession. The monster is disgusting by the way she looks with scratches all over her face and also a very pale color. Her eyes glow in anger and her mouth is dark colored to show death and evil. I found that the use in color really showed when Sarah the doctor and then when she was under procession. In the role of the doctor she wore lightly colored clothes mostly whites and creams, but when she was under possession she was in bright colors such as red.
The monster was not revealed till the end of the movie and didn’t know who it was going to be until Sarah was shown. The storyline led you to believe they it could have been a couple of people who were the monsters bringing on havoc in the town. With these many assumptions I was unable to pinpoint the exact answer and in the end I was in shock to see who the real monster was. After the movie was over and I watched behind the scene features and they talked about how they used different techniques to diverge your thinking of who the real monster is. The director talked about how it took time to pick out the perfect person to fit the role of Sarah the doctor who in turn is the one under possession. He said he had to find a woman that was beautiful, nice and caring to get the audience to pay attention to her qualities and not that she is the monster. I would say they did a perfect job at picking the right character since I did not for one second believe it was Sarah. After the movie was over and the monster was revealed I realized all the hints that were said by the doctor that would give me reason to believe she was the monster. For example at the beginning of the movie when Father Merrin is talking to the doctor he asks her if she believes in evil spirits and she replies no I’m a doctor.
When watching this movie I noticed it follows the complex discovery plot. The onset is very short before the audience and characters know that a monster is among them with the strange deaths and missing people that are occurring. The discovery of the existence of the monster comes to shock to the people since it is a well known little boy named Joseph whose father owns the only hotel in the town. All the people of the town including Joseph’s father believe that’s he is possessed and causing the problems. They try to kill him, but Father Merrin gets him to the church before anyone can get to him. The confirmation stage happens in with the discovery scene because the main leader of the town gets all people to believe that Joseph is the monster. The people were wrong and I also thought wrong since it is in the church when we are confronted with Sarah and is under possession. Father Merin is able to remove the evil spirit with the help of Joseph , but in the end she dies.
To view the trailer click on http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/exorcist_the_beginning/large.html
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