Saturday, December 04, 2010

Lovecraft and Scientology

Over the course of the semester, I've done a bit of reading on Lovecraft and his theories. They interest me mainly because I feel as though he could be a descendant of L. Ron Hubbard, the science-fiction novelist who found the "religion" of Scientology. Essentially, followers believe that L. Ron Hubbard was actually a prophet who held incredible secrets about life. What exactly do they believe? Well, I'll let South Park demonstrate it to you:
(Note: It seems very comical, but this really is what scientologists believe)

After watching that clip, it may be more apparent now that Lovecraft seems related to Scientology. Lovecraft's stories often involve "gods" who turn out to actually be aliens. Just as scientologists believe that our human nature, or "spirit", is actually the deceased spirits of alien races, "anything that originally seems to be spirit in Lovecraft's works is ultimately revealed to be the work of aliens from far distant reaches of space and time, while magic is revealed to be higher science and previously unexplained workings of nature." (Things We Were Not Meant to Know: H.P. Lovecraft and Cosmic Horror, Mack Knopf)
Thus, scientology and Lovecraftian theory appear to have a lot in common. Both typically derive their ultimate explainations from supernatural, alien beings. Either way, both of them seem like slightly idiotic, and preposterous ideologies that shouldn't be taken too seriously.

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