Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Horror of Horror Films

Whenever a new scary movie comes out, why do people go? Since I work at a movie theatre, I see it time and time again, every scary movie, no matter how horrifying, disturbing, bloody, violent or stupid the previews look, people show up. Why? Why do people choose to go and be scared? The answer is adrenalin. I believe people come to see these movies to be scared and get the rush of epinephrine that makes them feel alive per say. There heart rate increases, muscles tense, eyes widen and the body is prepared to “fight or flight.” It gives people a thrill and makes them fell on edge.

This makes scary movies seem like a fun time. But the majority of the people who come to these scary movies on a Friday and Saturday night cause a purely horrifying evening for anyone working. Of all the weekends I’ve worked in the past two years, nothing is as bad as when a scary movie comes out. Not sure what it is about scary movies that bring the most awful people from Kentucky and Ohio down to the levee, but it happens. The obnoxious teenagers and young adults that show up are always out of control. I have kicked many people out and witnessed multiple people arrested and tasered for throwing hissy fits over not being able to see the movie. People have thrown things, fought the cops, and screamed curse words at the top of their lungs. I’ve been called countless names and have been told that people will be waiting at my car after work to “get me.” This is all before the movie even starts, but you’d think the movie should be enough to entertain them, it never is. The scary movie film crowd is always one sure to cause disturbances and be loud. There have even been fights break out during the movie. Therefore, from my perspective, any movie deemed horror, scary or a psychological thriller is in every way shape and form a complete horror.

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