In London we visited the Highgate cemetery because it was said that Bram Stoker got some inspiration from this cemetery for his book Dracula. After seeing this place in person I totally understand how anyone could get creeped out. There are tombstones on top of tombstones with vines and crosses everywhere. It is beautiful in a very mysterious way. It is definitely a place I would never want to go at night...and never alone. Knowing that Bram Stoker got inspiration from this place makes you think how some people will hold on to that idea and make it real. After all this is a very creepy cemetery and most ghosts and vampire stories always revolve around death and cemeteries.
Well, there are some interesting people out there who actually believe there is, or was, a vampire at Highgate. This all got stirred up in the 1960's by a group of younger people. They all said they saw "dark gray" figures and even thought they saw ghosts...like a woman in white, a tall man in a hat, and even voices and bells. (their minds could have easily played tricks on them because the atmosphere of this place makes it seem ghostly and just plain creepy...) There is also a story of a king vampire of the undead...which was a simple man who practiced black magic...was apparently buried on the land which eventually came Highgate. It has been said that modern saintist roused him. There was even a mass vampire hunt...where two men...both battling at each other as to who could actually slay the "vampire". The date was set for Friday the 13th...how fitting...there were TV people there and even mobs of hunters along with them...and made their way into the locked cemetery getting passed the cops as well....most of these people were fined or thrown in jail for vandalism...because of these people the idea of highgate having this vampire and ghosts is still fresh on peoples mind. It is up to us whether to believe it or not.
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