Sunday, May 24, 2009


In 2003 Ju-on came out, being a Japanese horror movie a lot of people knew that it would be frightening because the Japanese have an odd view on horror, everything the produce is for the most part is scarier than the American  version on the same movie and plot. I also think that people thought Ju-On was more frightening then the American Grudge is because Ju-On in not in English so for the most part you are more focused on what is going to on the screen (scary wise) then it what the subtitles are saying. This movie was very well produced, in the beginning of the movie while Rika (the volunteer social worker) was upstairs trying to figure out what was going on, and what was making all that noise, it really kept you on the edge of your seat because you didn’t know what was going to happen next (so it was a form of suspense) and even after Rika found the little boy she still didn’t realize that he was part of the monster, so to the viewer you didn’t know if he was just a lost little kid or if there was something wrong. Rika figured out that the house was haunted when she saw the black shadow came and killed the older lady, even after the shadow killed the lady, people still didn’t understand why the people were dying when they saw the shadow (were they dying of fear, or was the shadow straight up killing them). After people would enter the house it seemed like they were dying because of what they saw happened to the lady who was murdered by her own husband, after people left the house and went back to their normal life they seemed ok, until they started thinking about what happened in the house, once they starting thinking about it, they started to want all the lights out and have no form of light in the room they were in (which seems like it’s another way the monster is bringing them in, because the monsters only come out in the night)  at the end of the movie it seemed like Rika realized that when she put her hands over her eyes she could see everything that had happened and that would bring the lady back.

Being that this was the first ever Japanese that I saw as well as a few other people, I think it scared people even more, because no one really knew what to expect (was it going to be bloody or were they going to try and mess with peoples mind), I think that not know what you are going to get into is going to scar people, but also make them want to watch it even more. The movie is one of the best produced scary movies I think I have seen in a while, because even though I know it isn’t real but it still is scary and creepy. It is a good horror movie and it also has some suspense in it to, making you want to watch the movie all the way to the end.   

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