Friday, May 16, 2008


Throughout this week’s class discussions, we have looked at how directors form the plots unto which movies and books are based. A plot is the structure of the flow of the story. Carroll makes reference to three major categories through which to classify a plot. Carroll’s first major plot category is called the discovery plot. The second major plot category is the overreacher plot. The overreacher plot has four subcategories that consist of preparation, experiment, boomerang, and confrontation. The third major plot category is a complex discovery plot. There are four subheadings under a complex discovery plot which include: onset, discovery, confirmation, and confrontation. Onset is seen at the beginning of the film. It takes place from the first visualization of the monster to the discovery of the monster by another character. Discovery is when the monster is realized by one or more of the characters. Confirmation is a prolong persuasion of the monster to the authorities. Confrontation is when the characters confront the monster. Furthermore, confrontation is when suspense is added to the film or book.
In class, we discussed the plot of The Haunting. We talked about it being a complex discovery plot. We also looked at how the many aspects added up in this plot category. One student in class, however, brought it to our attention that the plot might possibly be only onset. This statement made me wonder what plot possibilities could there be in this movie. I began my questioning with onset. Onset is the beginning of the film to the first visualization and discovery of the monster by the characters. I thought about how we had not visualized any monster. Though there was no massification, fission/fusion, magnification, and metonomy, there could have been some supernatural monster. In considering all the loud noises, moving of the walls, and at the end something in the car with Eleanor, I believe there had to be something in the house. I do not think that a house, even an old house such as the one in this movie could possibly make noises as this one had. Also, I do not think the walls of a house could move like these did, as if they were breathing. In my mind, all of these things did not add up to normal phenomena. There had to be something supernatural in that house.
After analyzing this movie, I came to the conclusion that this film does have a complex discovery plot. The onset and discovery aspects are resolved in the beginning of the film, when the doctor receives the house, and chooses the people to join him. The confirmation in the film consists of the loud noises and the walls moving. The confrontation relates to Eleanor and how she encounters the monster. Throughout the film, we hear thoughts going through Eleanor’s head and learn why she believes the monster is after her. In the end, Eleanor is confronted with the monster in her car. She was leaving the house and the monster took hold of her wheel, and she crashed into a tree. As a result, she ends up being killed.
Through the many films we have viewed in class, The Haunting seems to have had the greatest affect on me. I felt a lot of suspense in this film. The film left me with many questions to think about. Some of my questions include: Why did the wife run when seeing Eleanor? How did the wife end up outside by the car crash? Did the wife disappearing in the house, and then reappearing after Eleanor’s death have some sort of significance? Many thoughts crossed my mind while watching this film, and have led me to take a deeper look at this film.

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