"What would your feelings be, seriously, if your cat or your dog began to talk to you, and to dispute with you in human accents? You would be overwhelmed with horror. I am sure of it. And if the roses in your garden sang a weird song, you would go mad. And suppose the stones in the road began to swell and grow before your eyes, and if the pebble that you noticed at night had shot out stony blossoms in the morning?" From Arthur Machen's "The White People"
Monday, December 21, 2009
Highgate Cemetery Videos
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Plot and the Emotions
A short follow-up to yesterday's thoughts on Dracula. Are you caught-up in the story yet? What is the "hook" that pulls us into the story and makes us want to learn more? Carroll's "erotetic" (question and answer) understanding of plot maintains that questions are posed early in the novel that we expect to be answered later on. In horror stories, the question at the heart of the narrative is often "is the supernatural being or event proposed by the story going to turn out to be real?". Such stories can be thought of as dramatizations of a conflict between a "supernatural" and a "naturalistic" interpretation of the story. If the narrative leaves us suspended between the two, the genre is called, following Tzveton Todorov, "the fantastic." An example would be The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, in which we cannot be quite sure whether there was an actual haunting/possession taking place or simply the imaginings of an unhinged mind. In "pure" horror tales, the monster ends up being real. Todorov calls that type of story the "fantastic-marvelous", and the type in which the purported supernatural event or being is explained naturalistically the "fantastic-uncanny." The "fantastic" itself offers no resolution at all. Do you think that it would be possible to interpret Dracula as an instance of the fantastic? That is, is there any evidence that Count Dracula was in fact not a vampire? Compare the narrative structure of Dracula with Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskerville's, a Sherlock Holmes story in which an allegedly supernatural being (a spectral dog) ends up being explained by Holmes as a murderer's plot. By the way, Doyle and Stoker knew one another, and there is a Holmes story that seems to have been based on Dracula ("The Illustrious Client"). We may look in on Holmes and his faithful companion Dr. Watson while in London.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Some Preliminary Thoughts on Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the Horror Genre
Dracula was published in 1897, and was written by Bram Stoker. Stoker was born in Dublin but spent much of his life in London. We will, of course, be visiting many Stoker sites in both cities on our upcoming trip. See the above links for more information on Stoker's life and works.
Along with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1817) and Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dracula is one of the most influential horror novels of all time. But what is horror, and, perhaps more to the point, what accounts for its longevity as a genre? What is the aesthetic appeal of a genre so steeped in mayhem, supernatural terror, gruesome death and dismemberment, etc.? The second question that I have raised here is referred to by Carroll as the “paradox of horror”, and is one of the central questions of our course. We will return to it later. The first question has been addressed in a preliminary way in my last post, in that Carroll supplies us with a definition of the horror genre that highlights the centrality of monsters and the emotion of “art-horror.” For Carroll, a work falls into the horror category if, and only if, it features a monster that is both fearsome and disgusting. A “monster” is any entity that is taken not to exist by contemporary science. Some monsters, like those in Jurassic Park once existed but no longer do, others have never existed. As we have seen, not all monsters horrify us, and so not all fictions containing monsters are works of horror. Star Wars, as Carroll points out, is full of monsters but is quite obviously not a horror film.
Dracula as a Paradigmatic Horror Novel
It is fairly clear that, as an undead being, the Count is more than qualified to be a monster in the broader sense of a being that is not supposed to exist. According to contemporary science, the dead stay dead and are not to be found strolling about in Piccadilly or menacing picnickers on Hampstead Heath. If he exists, Dracula is a monster in the more general sense. In order to qualify as a proper horror monster, Count Dracula must be found to be both threatening and disgusting in addition to being impossible. For Carroll, it is from the attitude of the characters in the work of fiction that we take our cue with respect to the proper attitude toward a given monster. If the characters are afraid and disgusted, then Dracula is a fearsome and disgusting being. Notice that, for Carroll, the reader, or viewer, of Dracula need not herself be disgusted or afraid of the monster; it is enough that it is established in the fictional world of the narrative that Dracula has the relevant properties. Here are a few passages from Dracula that might serve to establish that Count Dracula is indeed fearsome and disgusting from the point of view of the characters who are not themselves monsters or monstrous.
From Chapter 4: Jonathan Harker is attempting to escape from Castle Dracula and discovers the Count in an indeterminate state, neither alive nor dead, in the vaults of the castle:
“I shuddered as I bent over to touch him, and every sense in me revolted at the contact.”
Another example of Dracula being viewed as fearsome and disgusting comes in Chapter 2, in which Harker sees the Count move like “a lizard” down the walls of the castle. Harker reports that he “feels the dread of this horrible place overpowering me.” There are many such references to Dracula’s fearsome and disgusting nature scattered throughout the novel, establishing beyond reasonable doubt that Dracula is a horror monster.
Carroll is going to argue that a large part of the solution to the “paradox of horror” (why do we like being frightened and disgusted by beings like Dracula?) has to do with our interest in the plots of horror narratives. Such narratives, for Carroll, often center on the alleged existence of monsters. We will discuss plot and its role in sustaining our interest in works of horror in greater detail later. For now, try to think of the way that the plot (the order of events in the narrative) helps to engage our interest in the novel. Carroll analyses plot in terms of a question and answer structure. Events that occur early in the story set up questions that are answered by later events. For example, the first chapter puzzles about who or what Dracula is set up the expectation that later events will answer that question.
Please respond to my post with some questions and/or observations of your own about Dracula. That way, we can get a discussion going about the novel. I have also posted some links to other websites relevant to our course, or to the trips that we will be taking.
Monday, December 07, 2009
A Philosophy of Horror
Noёl Carroll's The Philosophy of Horror
Carroll’s account of horror is modeled on Aristotle’s classic study of tragedy in the Poetics. Carroll analyzes the horror genre, broadly construed to include literature, film, theater, and painting, in terms of the “emotional effects” it aims to evoke in its audience. The primary such effect, according to Carroll, is an emotion that he calls “art-horror.”